How to: Shop Mindfully This Black Friday – KIP.

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How to: Shop Mindfully This Black Friday

The words Black Friday can conjure up some unsavoury images.

Stores bursting with ravenous shoppers, lineups down the block, deceptive discounts, and overspending. Black Friday as a concept has become a taboo amongst conscious consumers, many of whom resort to boycotting the discount days altogether in protest of overconsumption, poor labour conditions from big box stores, and the general fatigue that accompanies endless deal-hunting. While much of this is true, Black Friday week is also a beacon of light for many small businesses, much like ours, who rely on the support of increased traffic as a result of popular sale days. Our mandate to support the well-being of our customers includes supporting the networks of small businesses we interact with on a regular basis. This Black Friday, we encourage you to spend your dollars wisely. This includes where you choose to spend, as well as the types of products you choose to buy. With all that said, here are some ways you can use your buying power to shop mindfully this Black Friday:


Shop Small

Small businesses suffered heavily this year.  Large corporations have the resources and manpower to make it through the pandemic, while small, self-funded, independently-run business struggle to make ends meet. While many larger corps mark things down falsely to turn a profit, many small businesses like ours rely on sales like this one to stay afloat through the winter months which typically see less traffic.


Considerate Purchasing

So much of the pushback against Black Friday comes from our culture’s desire to consume in excess. Psychologically, we may feel intense levels of oxytocin (the happy hormone) released when we believe we are getting a serious deal on something (insert study here) only to be left with the craving again soon after. On the contrary, we urge you to practice considerate consumption this sale season by only purchasing only what you know you will use, like thoughtfully chosen gifts for loved ones or items you know you’ve wanted for some time. Shopping online  is one of the most readily accessible forms of instant gratification - so please, choose wisely and choose long term.


Shop Local

This year has not been kind to local businesses. As a Canadian run business, we, alongside countless others, have faced great challenges navigating the current economy. By committing to shopping in your communities, you can stimulate your local economy, ensuring your dollar goes back into the businesses next door. We’re committed to lifting up our friends in local businesses as well. When we all work together, we all win.



Support Your Friends

Do you have friends who run small businesses or side hustles? Show your support with these tips that actually help: Share a post, like a post, repost, tag a friend, comment, post a photo (highlighting their business), give a shoutout. All of these simple (and free) actions can boost your friend’s business and help more than you realize.


Spread the Word

Encourage others to follow suit. The more aware we are as a society, the more we can work together to create meaningful change. Tell your friends, family and social networks to think about how they shop this Black Friday and empower them to make meaningful and considerate purchases that they can all feel good about.

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