4 Pillars of Health to Optimize Your Life According to Wellness Leader – KIP.

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The KIP. Female Founder Series

Why Eva Redpath is On a Mission to Change Lives

Welcome back to our Female Founder Series! We’re celebrating the launch of our Silk Collection by highlighting four incredible female leaders.

At KIP., we are always on a mission to celebrate women at all stages of life, who take the leap into the world of entrepreneurship. Today, we’re featuring Eva Redpath, a certified co-active life coach, award-winning wellness leader, host, and keynote speaker.

Inspired by her own life experiences and choices, Eva describes herself as a potentialist. Eva believes that challenges bring us gifts that help us and our resilience grow. Eva sees life for its potential, and sees her clients for their own potential and provides an incredible perspective to help move and shape their own journey.

Eva strongly believes in the power of choice. Her coaching aims to help get clients out of their comfort zone and grow with their life’s purpose along the way. She helps clients rediscover their own courage to create exactly what they want to create.

Eva also believes in the power of movement. She uses physical movement with her clients as a tool to strengthen both mental and physical health. Eva was recognized as Canada’s first Nike Master Trainer, as well as a founding trainer for Barry’s Bootcamp at their flagship Toronto location.

We sat down with Eva to find out about what keeps her motivated as a leader, as well, she tells us about some self-care practices that keep her performing at her best.

Being an entrepreneur can be a difficult journey. What keeps you motivated?

I have a passion for helping women transform their minds, bodies, and lives. What keeps me motivated throughout my entrepreneurial journey is that strong connection to my community. I really understand what it’s like to hold space for someone, and the shifts that can happen as a result in their lives.

What do you do to ensure that you are the best version of yourself?

To make sure I’m performing at my best, it’s really about optimizing my health. I follow my four pillars of health and wellness: mindset, movement, nutrition, and regeneration. It’s really about upgrading your thoughts and your habits through your actions and behaviours. For me, it’s really important that I can take care of myself, so I can take care of my community, and what matters most to me in life.


KIP. Silk Long Sleeved Suit Top


KIP. Silk Tapered Trouser



Have a special woman in your life that you'd like to give back to?

In honour of the launch of our Female Founders campaign, we want to hear about a woman in your life who inspires you the most.

They’ll be entered for a chance to win a pair of pajamas from our collection!

Nominations will be accepted throughout September 14-17th. Send us an email at support@sleepinkip.com or a direct message on Instagram @kip_sleepwear. 


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